Browsing by Subject multinomial coefficient

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Combinatorial properties of Boubaker polynomialsГой, Тарас Петрович
2020Determinant identities for Toeplitz-Hessenberg matrices with tribonacci number entriesГой, Тарас Петрович
2020Determinant identities for Toeplitz–Hessenberg matrices with tribonacci number entriesГой, Тарас Петрович; Shattuck, Mark
2019Fibonacci and Lucas identities using Toeplitz–Hessenberg matricesГой, Тарас Петрович
2019Identities involving sums of products of Fibonacci polynomials and multinomial coefficientsГой, Тарас Петрович
2020Jacobsthal number identities using the generalized Brioschi formulaГой, Тарас Петрович
2017New formulae for Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kindГой, Тарас Петрович
2019New formulas for Vieta-Jacobsthal and Vieta-Jacobsthal-Lucas polynomialsГой, Тарас Петрович
2018On combinatorial identities for Jacobsthal polynomialsГой, Тарас Петрович
2018On determinants and permanents of some Toeplitz-Hessenberg matrices whose entries are Jacobsthal numbersГой, Тарас Петрович
2019On generalized Brioshci’s formula and its applicationsГой, Тарас Петрович
2017On Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas identities with multinomial coefficientsГой, Тарас Петрович
2017On new Catalan identities using Toeplitz--Hessenberg matricesГой, Тарас Петрович
2019On new families of the Jacobsthal identitiesГой, Тарас Петрович
2018On new identities for Mersenne numbersГой, Тарас Петрович
2017On Pell identities with multinomial coefficientsГой, Тарас Петрович
2019On some combinatorial identities involving the Horadam numbersГой, Тарас Петрович
2019Pell numbers identities from Toeplitz-Hessenberg determinants and permanentsГой, Тарас Петрович
2018Some families of identities for Padovan numbersГой, Тарас Петрович
2017Some identities for Boubaker polynomialsГой, Тарас Петрович