Browsing by Author Гой, Тарас Петрович

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 161 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Elementary problems and solutions. Problem B-1210Гой, Тарас Петрович
2018Elementary problems and solutions. Problem B-1230Гой, Тарас Петрович
2019Fibonacci and Lucas identities using Toeplitz–Hessenberg matricesГой, Тарас Петрович
2018Fibonacci and Lucas numbers via the determinants of tridiagonal matrixГой, Тарас Петрович
2023Fibonacci sums modulo 5Гой, Тарас Петрович; Adegoke, Kunle; Frontczak, Robert
2022Fibonacci-Catalan seriesAdegoke, Kunle; Frontczak, Robert; Гой, Тарас Петрович; Hoi, Taras
2020Fibonacci–Lucas identities and the generalized Trudi formulaГой, Тарас Петрович; Shattuck, Mark
2022Fibonacci–Lucas–Pell–Jacobsthal relationsFrontczak, Robert; Гой, Тарас Петрович; Shattuck, Mark; Hoi, Taras
2020General infinite series evaluations involving Fibonacci numbers and the Riemann Zeta functionГой, Тарас Петрович; Frontczak, Robert
2021General infinite series evaluations involving Fibonacci numbers and the Riemann zeta functionFrontczak, Robert; Гой, Тарас Петрович
2019Gibonacci identities using permanents of Toeplitz-Hessenberg matricesГой, Тарас Петрович
2018Horadam sequence through recurrent determinants of tridiagonal matrixГой, Тарас Петрович
2019Identities involving sums of products of Fibonacci polynomials and multinomial coefficientsГой, Тарас Петрович
2022Identities relating six members of the Fibonacci family of sequencesFrontczak, Robert; Гой, Тарас Петрович; Shattuck, Mark; Hoi, Taras
2017Infinite linear recurrence relation and superposition of linear recurrence equationsГой, Тарас Петрович; Заторський, Роман Андрійович
2020Jacobsthal number identities using the generalized Brioschi formulaГой, Тарас Петрович
2020Lucas-Euler relations using balancing and Lucas-balancing polynomialsFrontczak, Robert; Гой, Тарас Петрович
Jun-2020Mersenne-Horadam identities using generating functionsГой, Тарас Петрович
2020More Fibonacci-Bernoulli relations with and without balancing polynomialsГой, Тарас Петрович; Frontczak, Robert
2021More Fibonacci-Bernoulli relations with and without balancing polynomialsFrontczak, Robert; Гой, Тарас Петрович