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dc.contributor.authorАлександрова, Галина Андріївна-
dc.identifier.citationАлександрова Г. А. Scientific heritage of Pavlo Fylypovych: theory and practice of comparative studies // Султанівські читання: зб. статей. Івано-Франківськ, 2017. № 6. С. 7–24.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with comparative studies of Pavlo Fylypovych –one of the most prominent Ukrainian literary scientist in10-20-s of the 20 century. The purpose of this article is to characterize neoclassic’s literary heritage, which methodological conceptualizes aspects of comparative studies of the first decades of the 20th century. Methods.In the article we applied a systematic approach by using comparative-historical and cultural-historical methods. On the basis of literary heritage of P.Fylypovych we investigated basic provisions, theoretical principles and practical aspects of his comparative studies. Results. The article discusses the works of Pavlo Fylypovych in which it he served by comparative method to analyze literary phenomena. The evolution of literary views, his appeal to the traditional subjects of history, challenges and impact of borrowing has beendone. The context of theoretical and methodological problems of comparative literature in first decades of the 20th century is widely involved. It was shown that comparative method for P.Fylypovych –purposive research strategy that covers all kinds of literary connections,demonstrating continuity of traditions in Ukrainian comparative literature. Scientific novelty.Various scientific heritage of P.Fylypovych leads to many theoretical and methodological considerations and historical and literary plan that is not covered exhaustively. For the first time we analyzed the responses to his work, a scientist’s role in the contemporary literary discussions that express position of the author, inscribed in its scientific context of the era. Thepracticalsignificance.The article can be used in the study of comparative history, relations with foreign Ukrainian literature, in clarifying history of Ukrainian literature and literary criticism.uk_UA
dc.publisherСимфонія фортеuk_UA
dc.subjectliterary criticismuk_UA
dc.subjectomparative and historical methoduk_UA
dc.titleScientific heritage of Pavlo Fylypovych: theory and practice of comparative studiesuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeНаукова спадщина Павла Филиповича: теорія і практика компаративістичних студійuk_UA
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