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Results 71-80 of 1280 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Український Євромайдан. Прикарпатський вимір / за ред. М. Кугутяка.Вітенко, Микола Дмитрович; Кугутяк, Микола Васильович
2019Ruthenian-Polish matrimonial relations in the context of the inter-dynastic policy of the house of Rurik in the 11th–14th centuries: selective statistical dataVoloshchuk, Myroslav
2019Ruthenian court of the Rurik dynasty princess in the lands of the Piast dynasty of the 11th century: the attempt of the searching and reconstructionVoloshchuk, Myroslav
2018Ruthenian-Hungarian matrimonial connections in the context of the Rurik dynasty inter-dynasty policy of the 10TH–14TH centuries: selected statistical dataVoloshchuk, Myroslav
2017W kwestii obecności Rusinów na dworze księżnej Grzymisławy – wdowy (1227–1258) po księciu krakowsko-sandomierskim Leszku BiałymVoloshchuk, Myroslav
2017The catholicization of Pokutia: ethno-confessional and historical myth of the Ukrainian historiographyVoloshchuk, Myroslav; Velykochyi, Volodymyr
2013The Medieval Slovakia and Croatia as a Second Homeland of Nobility and Peoples from the Rus’ (13th–14th)Vološčuk, Miroslav
2006Danyilo Romanovics IV. Bélától való hűbéri függősége (1235–1245): források, történetírás és a probléma rövid felvetéseVoloscsuk, Myroszláv
2018Historia twierdzy stanisławowskiej (1662–1812)Wołoszczuk, Myrosław; Chowaniec, Czesław; Mika, Norbert; Fedunkiw, Zenowij
2017Archívna práca na Ukrajine (história, štruktúra inštitúcií, pracovné podmienky): vybrané aspektyVoloshchuk, Myroslav