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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Exploring the Experience of the World's Leading Countries in Inclusive Growth as Part of the Post-Industrial Economy: Challenges and PerspectivesGontar, Zoriana; Marchuk, Vasyl; Durman, Olena; Denkovych, Nataliia; Dudkevych, Vasyl; Марчук, Василь Васильович
2020The Appointment of the History Philosophy in Comprehending Modern Civilizational Challenges in a Post-Pandemic SocietyMarchuk, Vasyl; Novoselshyi, Ivan; Melnychuk, Vasyl; Chorooyskyi, Vasyl; Shlemkevych, Tetiana; Марчук, Василь Васильович
2020Decentralization Reform and Prospects for Economic Development in Ukraine: Impact AssessmentMarchuk, Vasyl; Marchuk, Nataliya; Yemets, Olha; Марчук, Василь Васильович
2020Security cooperation in the Visegrad group: new challenges and hybrid threatMarchuk, Vasyl; Holubiak, Nataliia; Марчук, Василь Васильович
2020Regional Features of Small and Medium Business Development in Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk City Example)Druk, Yurii; Marchuk, Nataliya; Marchuk, Vasyl; Марчук, Василь Васильович
2020Confessional-ethnic and political transformations during the Second World War (1939-1945)Marchuk, Vasyl; Марчук, Василь Васильович
2020Hungarian and Polish terrorists in Carpathian UkraineMarchuk, Vasyl; Марчук, Василь Васильович
2020Ukrainian greek catholic church: Past and presentVegesh, M.; Kontsur-Karabinovych, N.; Marchuk, Vasyl; Palinchak, M.; Holonič, J.; Марчук, Василь Васильович