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dc.contributor.authorHoian, Ihor-
dc.contributor.authorDuliba, Yevheniia-
dc.contributor.authorOvcharuk, Sergij-
dc.contributor.authorVergolyas, Maya-
dc.contributor.authorDoichyk, Maksym-
dc.contributor.authorSarancha, Iryna-
dc.identifier.citationDuliba, Y., Ovcharuk, S., Doichyk, M., Hoian, I., Vergolyas, M., & Sarancha, I. (2022). The Transformation of the Global Civil Society during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Postmodern Openings, 13(1), 436-449. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/13.1/406uk_UA
dc.identifier.issnISSN: 2068-0236 | e-ISSN: 2069-9387-
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 pandemic has affected not only health systems worldwide, but also global civil society, it has posed a global threat to humanity with significant implications and indicated weak points of postmodern civil society such as the lack of global solidarity and global cooperation, the lack of global health equity, the increase in poverty, social insecurity and deep inequality, the lack of support for the liberal international order, the lack of coordination mechanism for responding to the pandemic. Three main crises of postmodern society are identified and analysed: relations of cooperation between nations and states, protests in different countries, the inadequacy of scientific and technological achievements of civilization. The analysis of these crises led to the conclusion that, along with the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic for humanity, it should be seen as a crucial moment for human civilization that identified gaps and directions for the development of global civil society. The transformation of society today must take place in terms of rethinking the consequences and results of globalization, and taking into account the processes of socio-political and socio cultural transformation. Today, humanity needs to transform global society by reconsidering the role of WHO as a leading intergovernmental organization in the global health system, strengthening the role of global governance, creating a new paradigm of global health, developing global cooperation, solidarity and coordination towards global health equity.uk_UA
dc.subjectCovid-19 pandemic, postmodern society, transformation, global civil society, global solidarity, global coordinationuk_UA
dc.titleThe Transformation of the Global Civil Society during the Covid-19 Pandemicuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФП)

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