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Authors: Kostruba, Anatoliy
Коструба, Анатолій Володимирович
Shemshuchenko, Yurii S.
Шешученко, Юрій
Keywords: Kostruba
Civil Law
company law
corporative law
corporate governance
corporate responsibility
legal entities
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2022
Citation: Kostruba A. Shemshuchenko Y. Corporate relations in the aspect of civil law // Astra Slavensis X. №1. 2022. P. -37-50.
Abstract: The article analyses the place of corporate relations in the system of civil law. The relevance of the problem under study is determined by the lack of a clear definition of the concept and essence of the corporation in the legislations of the countries of the post-Soviet space, in contrast to the laws of foreign countries. The task is to determine the main criteria for assessing modern corporate relations from the point of view of existing civil law. A comparative analysis of the essence of corporate relations in Ukraine and abroad was conducted, their place in the system of civil law relations was determined. An objective assessment of the results obtained during the study is given, the prospects for research in this area are indicated. The relevance of the topic is due to the lack of a clear definition of the concept of corporation and corporate relations in existing regulations of civil law. In this regard, there is uncertainty in the interpretation of the concept of corporate relations from the point of view of the current legislation. In this paper, the task is to conduct a study of corporate relations in the aspect of the current civil law of Ukraine, as well as the countries of Europe, Central Asia and the United States, with the aim of determining the main criteria for designating these relations in relation to current regulatory legal acts. The method of comparative analysis of the work of domestic and foreign researchers in this field was selected in order to identify general trends in assessing the topic under study. The current legislation in the field of civil law governing the activities of corporations and corporate relations was evaluated. The applied value of this material is to identify the main criteria for the compliance of corporate relations with civil law with a view to the subsequent application of the results in a practical aspect. Also, of practical legal value is the comparison of existing laws governing civil law in Ukraine and countries taken for comparison.
Appears in Collections:Статті та тези (ННЮІ)

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