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Назва: Самостійна робота студентів з вивчення української мови за професійним спрямуванням.
Автори: Гуменюк, Ірина Михайлівна
Ключові слова: самостійна робота, компетентнісний підхід, українська мова за професійним спрямуванням, дистанційне навчання, синергетичні аспекти.
self-study work, competence-based approach, Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes, distance education, synergistic aspects.
Дата публікації: 2021
Бібліографічний опис: 24. Гуменюк І. М. Самостійна робота студентів з вивчення української мови за професійним спрямуванням. New Inception : науковий журнал / Національний університет «Чернігівський колегіум» імені Т. Г. Шевченка. 2021. № 3–4 (5–6). С. 52–61.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The purpose of the article is to construct an algorithm for organization of students’ self-study work in the context of mastering the Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes discipline and to conduct an analysis of the stages of its implementation in terms of the competence-based approach. Methodology. In order to determine the stage of addressing the issue in the scientific information space, the analytical and synthetic method has been applied; the methods of generalization and visualization have been used to construct the algorithm for organization of students’ self-study work; the systematization method has been applied to depict the systemic and synergistic connections in the process of organization of self-study work in the Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes discipline. Scientific novelty. The author’s definition of the concept of “self-study work of students in Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes” has been formulated. An algorithm for gradual preparation, implementation and control of self-study work within the analyzed discipline has been constructed. The synergistic aspects of organizing the system of self-study work of future specialists in the pedagogical sphere have been determined. Conclusions. The peculiarities of systemic organization of self-study work during the study of Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes include consideration of extracurricular activities both within the discipline program and adjacent to it, as well as development of the thinking and acting independence of students at lectures and practical classes. Organization of self-study work can be divided into four stages, which comprise the project-based and methodological, organizational and managerial, procedural, and control stages. Individualization of studying is conducted using the level-based requirements for completion and the corresponding assessment criteria. The synergistic aspects of organizing the system of self-study work of future specialists in the pedagogical sphere include professional adaptation of its content, correction of the assessment system and completion terms depending on the type of final assessment, and selection of the forms of completion.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/13827
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