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Назва: Components of the normative element in the mechanism of legal regulation of civil relations
Інші назви: Структурні компоненти нормативного елементу в механізсі правового регулювання цивільних відносин
Автори: Kostruba, Anatoliy
Коструба, Анатолій Володимирович
Ключові слова: mechanism of legal regulation of social relations
normative construct
principles of law
legal norm
court decision
Civi law
theory of law
Дата публікації: 1-гру-2020
Бібліографічний опис: Kostruba A. V. Components of the normative element in the mechanism of legal regulation of civil relations // Альманах права. Роль правової доктрини у забезпеченні прав людини. Випуск 11. 2020. С.47 – 52.
Короткий огляд (реферат): he article is devoted to the study of the structure of the normative element of the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations. The mechanism of legal regulation of relations is considered as a system of legal means, methods and forms which regulate social relations. At the same time, under current conditions of the society development such regulation is achieved with minimal normative of the state. Scientists claim the variability of the normative element of the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations. The normative regulator is not the only way of influence on the subject’s assessment of abilities in the social environment. The abovementioned is manifested in the field of relations free of the state imperative pressure – relations, which formation is conditioned by the sphere of a person’s private life. Legal regulation of social relations in this field is achieved through the mediation of other regulators which have a common nature with the legal norm but a subjective limitation of their obligation. Variability of the parameters making their content and essence may not always be fit into previously established normative regulators. Therefore, the legal norm may not regulate certain types of social relations. Moreover, the disposition of legal norms may not even meet the real needs of the subjects of a particular relationship. Or vice versa, a legal norm may contain only declarative principles or definitions, complicating the appropriate level of legal regulation of relations. It is proved that legal norm is not a fundamental element of the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations, through which relations between the society members from the essential field to the real field and formation of corresponding legal relations between them are regulated. Corresponding regulatory influence is provided by other regulators of various legal nature, but of identical axiological significance. The author argues that along with the legal norm the legal means for ensuring the mechanism of legal regulation of public relations include alter-normative regulators (agreement, practice), which represent a mutually agreed formation and further application of a corresponding normative structure to the specific model of behaviour of the participants of legal relations. Besides, over-normative (legal principles) and quasi-normative (judicial acts) regulators are distinguished along with normative and alter-normative regulators. Since regulatory influence on public relations goes beyond the legal norm, the corresponding element of the mechanism of legal regulation requires its structural adjustment. The scientist coins a term a normative construct as set of legal concepts identical to the legal norm for description of an element of the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations
Опис: http://almanahprava.org.ua/en/issues/volume-11/kostruba-a.-v.html
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/14052
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ННЮІ)

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