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dc.contributor.authorBlahun, I.-
dc.contributor.authorDmytryshyn, L.-
dc.contributor.authorLeshuk, H.-
dc.contributor.authorБлагун, Іван Семенович-
dc.contributor.authorДмитришин, Леся Ігорівна-
dc.contributor.authorЛещук, Галина Василівна-
dc.identifier.citationDmytryshyn L. Cognitive approach to analysis of investment attractiveness of the regions / I. Blahun, L. Dmytryshyn, H. Leshuk // Науковий вісник Полісся. – Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2017. – № 4(12). – Ч.1. – С. 171-176uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUrgency of the research. The application of the cognitive approach in analyzing and formation of the investment attractiveness of the regions makes it possible to assess the basis-to-target factors characterizing the investment potential of the economic space of a particular territory. Target setting. It is advisable to form cognitive maps of investment attractiveness of the regions taking into account regional factors of social and economic development in order to determine the negative and positive trends of investment activity, as well as priority sectors of development. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The Researches of social and economic development of the regions and implementation of simulation modeling are partly covered in the works: Pashkevich M. S., Gorelova G. V., Zakharova E. N., Polyakova O. Y., Drogushova A. K., Duma L. V., Logvin V. M., Parshin Y. I. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. In the scientific literature, not enough attention is paid to the peculiarities of cognitive approach application from the standpoint of the cognitive maps of investment attractiveness formation of the regions on the basis of evaluation of factors of different levels of the hierarchy of their social and economic development. The research objective. The article is intended to substantiate the relevance of use of cognitive approach to analyzing the investment attractiveness of the regions based on factors taking into account different levels of hierarchy of their social and economic development. The statement of basic materials. The effectiveness of cognitive approach implementation that analyzes the investment attractiveness of the regions, taking into account the factors of different levels of the hierarchy of their social and economic development is substantiates in the article. Conclusions. The implementation of the cognitive approach in the process of analysis and formation of the investment attractiveness of the regions on the basis of taking into account the factors of different levels of the hierarchy of social and economic development allows to establish and distinguish between negative and positive trends of investment activity, as well as priority development spheres, which should be appropriately taken into account when forming integrated programs providing a favorable investment climate within the defined priorities of social and economic development of the regions.uk_UA
dc.subjectcognitive modeling; cognitive maps; investment attractiveness; regionuk_UA
dc.titleCognitive approach to analysis of investment attractiveness of the regionsuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Наукові видання (ЕФ)

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