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dc.contributor.authorAfuzova, Hanna-
dc.contributor.authorRudenko, Liliia-
dc.contributor.authorStepanchenko, Nataliya-
dc.contributor.authorShkrabiuk, Veronika-
dc.contributor.authorMartsyniak-Dorosh, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorDubovyk, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorШкраб'юк, Вероніка Степанівна-
dc.identifier.issn2068-0473 | 2067-3957-
dc.description.abstractThe practice of the integrated techniques of teaching children with impaired development of various nosological categories in comprehensive schools together with children with normal development is becoming increasingly extensive alongside with a series of researches in this direction. As it follows, in this complicated process a mentally correctional support of an educated specialist is essential for a child with impaired mental and physical development. The findings of the theoretical analysis of the role and place of the orientation phenomenon in the personality's professional activity have been given. Particular attention is focused upon the content, structure and formation levels of the personality's professional orientation in adolescence; as well as on the peculiarities of the correctional support in the context of the psychological assistance to the children with alternative abilities. The specificity of the empirical research of the peculiarities of future psychologists' professional orientation at the correctional support of alternatively able children has been described. The qualification characterization of a future special psychologist's support has been presented, the techniques and methods of the investigation of the psychological peculiarities of the professional orientation at correctional support have been outlined, the findings of the empirical research have been analyzed. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the psychological provision of the formation process of the future psychologist's professional orientation at the correctional support of the children with alternative abilities have been discussed. The organization of the activity aimed at the development of the future special psychologists' professional orientation has been described, methodological apparatus has been worked out and the approbation results have been adduced. On the basis of the findings the conclusion may be drawn that the suggested methodology is correct, the tasks have been successfully performed, the objective has been achieved, the efficiency of the methodological recommendations has been verified.uk_UA
dc.publisherBRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscienceuk_UA
dc.subjectintegrated teaching techniques, nosological categories, mental correctional support, psychological assistance, adolescence, qualification characterization.uk_UA
dc.titleFuture Psychologist's Mental Orientation at the Correctional Support of the Children with Impaired Mental and Physical Developmentuk_UA
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