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Назва: Every-Other-Day Feeding Decreases Glycolytic and Mitochondrial Energy-Producing Potentials in the Brain and Liver of Young Mice
Автори: Sorochynska, Oksana
Bayliak, Maria
Gospodaryov, Dmytro
Vasylyk, Yulia
Kuzniak, Oksana
Pankiv, Tetiana
Garaschuk, Olga
Storey, Kenneth
Lushchak, Volodymyr
Сорочинська, Оксана
Байляк, Марія Михайлівна
Господарьов, Дмитро Валерійович
Василик, Юлія
Кузняк, Оксана
Паньків, Тетяна
Гаращук, Ольга
Сторей, Кеннет
Лущак, Володимир Іванович
Ключові слова: intermittent fasting
glycolytic enzymes
electron transport chain
mitochondrial respiration
ketone bodies
Дата публікації: 22-лис-2019
Бібліографічний опис: Front Physiol .
Серія/номер: 10;
Короткий огляд (реферат): Intermittent fasting is used to reduce body mass in obese adult humans and animals. However, information on the impact of one type of intermittent fasting (IF) called everyother-day feeding (EODF) on young animals is scarce. In this study, 1-month-old mice of both sexes were subjected to a 4-week regimen of EODF using age-matched counterparts fed ad libitum as controls. At the end of EODF exposure, experimental male and female mice weighed 14 and 13% less than the control counterparts. The EODF regimen resulted in lower liver levels of glycogen, glucose, and lactate, but did not affect lactate level in mouse cerebral cortex of both sexes. Activities of key glycolytic enzymes (hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, and pyruvate kinase) in liver of experimental mice were lower than those in controls. In the cerebral cortex, only hexokinase and pyruvate kinase activities were lower than in controls, but phosphofructokinase activity was not affected in IF females and was higher in IF males as compared with ad libitum fed males. Mitochondria isolated from liver of IF mice had lower respiratory control ratios, but those from the cortex had the same values as control animals. The concentration of β-hydroxybutyrate and the activity of β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase were lower in the IF mouse liver, but not changed or enhanced in the IF cerebral cortex. Thus, animal responses to IF do not depend significantly on sex and are directed to decrease energy metabolism to save resources, and the effects are more pronounced in the liver than in the brain.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/15471
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФПН)

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