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dc.contributor.authorKorotkova, Yuliia-
dc.contributor.authorRomanyuk, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorVysochan, Lesia-
dc.contributor.authorShkleda, Lesia-
dc.contributor.authorKozlova, Liudmyla-
dc.contributor.authorВисочан, Леся Михайлівна-
dc.contributor.authorШкледа, Леся Іванівна-
dc.identifier.citationKorotkova Y. The Phenomenon of the Institution of Education in the World Order of Postmodern Globalization / Y. Korotkova, S. Romanyuk, L. Vysochan, L. Shkleda, L. Kozlova // Postmodern Openings, Webof Science. – 2020. – V. 11, Issue 3. – P. 244-256.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractGlobalization as a phenomenon of the modern world in recent years has spread to the educational system. Under these conditions, new values of the mechanism of education were formed and formed: the first is aimed at recognizing education as the most important principle of cultural genesis, and the second, on the contrary, suggests a decline in interest in education as a means of creative selfrealization. These contradictory positions are global in nature, but do not depend on the national-state and cultural characteristics of educational systems. The trend towards globalization is manifested in the following areas: the development of the global economic environment, the emergence and mass distribution of PCs and the Internet, as well as the involvement of the educated population of nonEuropean countries such as India, Japan, South Korea, China in the scientific and technological process. At the same time, the leading trend is the intensive growth of cultural diversity as independent entities. Since education is an integral part of any modern person, the educational sphere is influenced by those trends that characterize global dynamics, as well as determine general and individual worldview and moral dominants, affecting individuals in the design of world order. Globalization is a fairly new state of world organization and evidence of the formation of a new type of culture. However, its origins and trends have long been deeply embedded in the bowels of culture, it demonstrates the general nature of globalization, and manifests itself through cultural universals. Their most significant component is generally accepted sociocultural values, which can become the basis for the development of modern society.uk_UA
dc.titleThe Phenomenon of the Institution of Education in the World Order of Postmodern Globalizationuk_UA
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