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Title: Іmproving economic mechanism of innovative development of agricultural enterprises and farming economies of Ukraine.
Authors: Shelenko, D.
Sas, L.
Matkovskyi, P.
Balaniuk, I.
Keywords: strategic and tactical management, economic development, form of management, elements of provision, Ukraine.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Sciences of Europen (Praha, Czech Republic)
Citation: Shelenko D., Sas L., Matkovskyi P., Balaniuk I. Іmproving economic mechanism of innovative development of agricultural enterprises and farming economies of Ukraine. Sciences of Europen (Praha, Czech Republic) 2019. Vol. 2, No. 43. Р. 13–20.
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study blocks of ensuring the efficient functioning of agricultural enterprises and farming economies aimed at regulation of the industrial and economic problems of their development. To achieve this goal, the methods of systematic approach, abstraction and idealization was used. The approach to the disclosure of the economic mechanism of innovative development of agricultural enter-prises of various organizational and legal forms, which is achieved by the integrated solution of all its structural elements that should be directed towards the achievement of the final result – profit making has been substantiated іn the article. The economic mechanism of innovative development of agricultural enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, is formed as a general for all enterprises with the further features of each individual form of manage-ment.
Appears in Collections:Статті та тези (ЕФ)

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