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dc.contributor.authorЧуйко, Олег Дмитрович-
dc.identifier.citationОлег Чуйко. Храми-ротонди в контексті міжкультурних взаємин Давнього Галича ХІ–ХІІІ століть // «Вісник ЛНАМ» : Науковий збірник. Львів, 2018. Вип. 36. С. 51–67.uk_UA
dc.descriptionOleg Chuyko. Rotunda churches from the perspective of intercultural links of ancient halych in the 12th–13th centuries. Background. This paper considers the issue of origin and stylistic identity of a specific type of sacred buildings, referred to in research literature as Great Moravian rotundas. We study conditions for popularity of such temples within the territory of Rus in the 11th–13th centuries, as well as development of their three-dimensional structure and decor style under the artistic influence of the European Middle Ages, in particular, the Romanesque style. Notwithstanding the suggested name, domed rotundas were built not only within the territories of the Great Moravian Empire, but also in the Crimea, the Caucasus region, the Byzantine Empire, on the Balkan Peninsula. It is this type of church that predominated at the early stage of temple construction on the lands of Southwestern Rus in the late 9th and 10th centuries due to advancement of Christianity from the Balkans and Moravia. Construction of centrally-planned temples (rotundas and quatrefoils) continued in ancient Galician architecture, both brickwork and wooden. Studying their design and spacing, brickwork techniques and decor features, researchers were able to define the achievements of the Galician architectural school which developed under the conditions of active cultural contacts between Ancient Halych and countries of Western and Central Europe. It is important to study not only purely architectural interactions in the Galician religious construction of the princely era, but also to consider it as a social and cultural phenomenon on the background of Ancient Halych’s international links. Objectives. The aim of this paper is to reveal stylistic identity of rotunda churches still surviving on the territory of Ancient Halych, as well as on the lands that used to be under Great Moravian rule or influence; to find out causes of their popularity during the Romanesque style domination and their subsequent role in the domestic religious construction. Methods. In this paper we opt for the complex system approach due to the multilevel nature of the research object, since it concerns to the spheres of cultural studies, history, sociology, archeology and art criticism. Based on historical and sociocultural approaches, we provide insight into the evolutionary dynamics of cultural links between Galician Rus and Central and Western European countries, which predetermined to a great extent the nature of church architecture of Galician lands in the princely era. We also resort to methods of chronological reconstruction, historical, source study and art criticism analysis and synthesis, which contributed to exploring historical, cultural and artistic processes in Southwestern Rus in the Middle Ages. Due to the research subject peculiarities we employ both speculative and empirical methods. Results. Academic novelty of the research results lies in the fact that we address Ruthenian centrally-planned religious buildings holistically, in cultural terms and against the background of historical reality, as a result of intercultural links between Galician Rus and other states of medieval Europe. We single out several objects among Ancient Galician rotunda churches and quatrefoil churches and analyze them from the perspective of stylistic inspirations in the Galician school architecture. We also differentiate design features and stylistic peculiarities of Ancient Galician rotundas according to their correspondence with Western European art and style systems and local architectural tradition. We identify originality of the local architectural school of Ancient Rus in its western territories. Basic concepts and conclusions of this paper might be used as the basis for studying and analyzing cultural and artistic heritage of Ukraine, as teaching aids in educational courses on the history of Ukrainian culture, cultural studies and regional ethnography. Research results might also be useful in museum and excursion practice when creating accompanying art-study texts. Conclusions. We explore historical and cultural background to introduction in Galicia of centrally-planned buildings, for example, one of the ways of Christianity advancement from Great Moravia, as well as establishing close political contacts between the Kingdom of Galicia and Hungary, where most medieval religious objects of this type were discovered. We find that, despite abundant signs of Western European influences, centrally-planned churches on the territory of Southwest Rus testify to the peculiarity of local architectural tradition, expressed in the brickwork technology, design and arrangement trends and unique interior decoration. Key words: rotunda, quatrefoil, Romanesque style, apse, arrangement, architecture.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ пропонованій статті порушено проблему походження та стилістичної спорідненості особливого типу сакральних споруд, названих у науковій літературі “великоморавські ротонди”. Простежено умови поширення таких храмів на теренах Русі в ХІ – ХІІІ ст. та формування їх об’ємно-просторової структури, стилістики декору, позначеної мистецькими впливами європейського Середньовіччя, зокрема романського стилю. Розглянуто історико-культурні передумови появи на Галицькій землі центричних споруд, зокрема, один із шляхів поширення сюди християнського віровчення з Великої Моравії, а також налагодження активних політичних контактів між Галицьким князівством і Угорщиною, де виявлено найбільше середньовічних культових об’єктів саме такого типу. З’ясовано, що, попри виразні ознаки західноєвропейських впливів, храми центричного типу на теренах Південно-Західної Русі засвідчують своєрідність місцевої архітектурної традиції, вираженої в технології мурування, планувально-композиційних закономірностях і унікальності декорування інтер’єрів.uk_UA
dc.publisherЛьвів, ЛНАМuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesВип. 36;-
dc.subjectротонда, квадрифолій, романський стиль, апсида, архітектура.uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeRotunda churches from the perspective of intercultural links of ancient halych in the 12th–13th centuries.uk_UA
Appears in Collections:Статті та тези (ННІМ)

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