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Назва: Прості кристалографічні форми у парофазних наноструктурах PbTe:Sb на ситалі
Автори: Салій, Ярослав Петрович
Фреїк, Дмитро Михайлович
Биліна, Іван Степанович
Ключові слова: наноструктури, кристалічні форми,PbTe
nanostructures, crystal forms, vapor-phase methods, lead telluride
Дата публікації: 12-вер-2013
Видавництво: Наноструктурное материаловедение, 2013, № 3-4, С. 20-27
Бібліографічний опис: стаття
Короткий огляд (реферат): Lead telluride (PbTe) is an advanced semiconductive material in manufacturing optoelectronics devices related to infrared spectrum area, as well as in termoelectronics of medium frequency temperature 500–850 K. Alloying PbTe with group 5 impurity heterovalent (Sb, Bi) of Periodical Table are cause modification of electronic and phononic crystal system. Vaporphase nanostructures on glass ceramics lining have been received from vapor-phase procedure due to open evaporation in vacuum environment ahead of obtaining synthesized compound PbTe:Sb that contains 0.25 at% in different time τ = 15–240 s and temperatures Òs = 420–520 Ê deposition, according to evaporation temperature Òv = 970 Ê. With the help of applied Gwyddion Program the AFM investigation are showed that it is possible to define hardness and size of nanocrystals but not only morphology of condensate surface. We defined polar and azimuth angles of either sides of certain PbTe:Sb glass ceramics nanocrystals with clear sides, that helped to find angles between normals towards sides, and finally compare received data with theoretically possible ones. At hasbun shown that the increase of settling time τ twice applying constant temperature of the substrate, maximum height of nanocrystals would coust the increases twice as well. We defined that certain PbTe:Sb glass ceramics nanocrystals of vapor-phase condensates have been formed by cube system area {100} as well as orthorhombic dodecahetron area {110}, which are electrically neutral and possess the largest reticular atom density. Having applied computer modeling approaches we have managed to restore in PbTe:Sb glass ceramics condensate the crystal forms that are correspond to different combinations of NaCl area structure.
Опис: Робота з аспірантом
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5426
ISSN: 1729-4428
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФТФ)

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