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dc.contributor.authorХолод, Олександр Михайлович-
dc.identifier.citationХолод, О. (2020). Психолінгвістичні маркери інмутаціі суспільства (на прикладі аналізу сполук частотних звукобукв у текстах україномовної преси 1917 року). ПСИХОЛИНГВИСТИКА, 27(2), 314-343. https://doi.org/10.31470/2309-1797-2020-27-2-314-343uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe problem of the study is defined by the author as the lack of identification and description of psycholinguistic markers of the social inmutation in the texts of the Ukrainian-language press published in Ukraine in 1917. The purpose of the study was to search and describe the range, structure and functions of psycholinguistic instruments (sound letters) for manipulating the minds of readers as psycholinguistic markers of social inmutation in the Ukrainian-language press of the political crisis of 1917 in Ukraine.The research methodology has become a system of methods that are appropriate, in the opinion of the author, to achieve the goal. Among the selected methods were those that fall into three groups: general scientific methods, theoretical methods and Psycholinguistic Markers of Community Inmutation (for Example...315© Kholod Alexanderpractical methods. For the study, general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, abstraction method, classification method), theoretical methods (hypothetical-deductive, axiomatic and statistical methods) were chosen. Among the practical research methods, the author chose the following: observation, description method, measurement method and associative experiment method. The author determined the selection of printed Ukrainian-language periodicals by the research methodology; search and description, as well as determining the range of psycholinguistic tools for manipulating an associative experiment aimed at determining the range of free associations of recipients in the perception of stimulus frequency 3-x–5-letter compounds.In the conclusions, the author stated that during the political crisis of 1917 in the Ukrainian-language press in the newspaper publications of the first page of the twelve Ukrainian-language newspapers published in the territory of what was then Ukraine, markers of epistemic social inmutation were actively used, which served as psycholinguistic tools for manipulating the readers’ minds.uk_UA
dc.publisherДВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди"uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesСерія Філологія. 27(2);14-
dc.subjectInmutation, psycholinguistic markers, sound letters, manipulation toolsuk_UA
dc.titleПсихолінгвістичні маркери інмутаціі суспільства (на прикладі аналізу поєднань частотних звукобукв в текстах україномовної преси 1917 року)uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові видання (ФФілолог)

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