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Authors: Будник, Олена Богданівна
Keywords: economic thinking, economic knowledge, ethnoeconomic competence,
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Київ
Citation: Будник О. Б. Особливості розвитку економічного мислення учнів підліткового віку // Особистісні інтелектуальні якості обдарованого учня в підлітковому віці: матеріали Всеукраїнського науково-практичного семінару. 21 січня 2011 р., м. Київ. К., 2011. С. 139–144
Abstract: The article throws the light upon some peculiarities of economic thinking development of teenagers in their process of study. Economic thinking the author sees in the context of ethnoeconomic competence of school children which is expressed through emotive evaluational attitude to obtained economic knowledge, analysis of economic situation considering subjective factors, and also certain kinds of activity, be able to act in the market condition, to take the proper measures, be ready for enterprising and business. Psychological features of thinking of teenagers is thinking rationalism its practical aspect, problem character, variety and others. In the process of actualization of teenagers' life experience it is recommended to evolve them into solution and making creative tasks.
Appears in Collections:Статті та тези (ПФ)

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